The Jokers Representations

The Joker
The joker is represented as an evil person who shares in humane like features like his smile and all white face paint. His dark make up around his eyes suggest evil and darkness showing he has a dark vision. His hair is also green and looks unwashed suggesting maybe it hasn't been washed and maybe he does not care or look after his hair. His voice is a mysterious tone with a sinister accent that he uses creating un-comfort for the people watching. His suit represents the color of a clown which maybe is what he represents in the film. In most of his scenes he shows an insane mentality, example. in one of the scenes he sets a bomb off in a hospital and after small explosions he turns around as if the explosions were tiny and after spamming the button on the detonator as if it was a toy, bigger explosions occur and his facial expressions show he has a sense of happiness from seeing the explosions.


  1. WWW: You make some interesting suggestions about the representation of the Joker's character from the denotation.
    EBI: You made reference to the use of camera work, shots types, angles, movements when explaining how meaning is constructed by the denotation.


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